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Crazy & Scary Times — Recording Life Inside a Biopunk Movie

Crazy Scary Times — Recording Life Inside a Biopunk Movie

Those who escape hell however never talk about it and nothing much bothers them after that.

Crazy Scary Times — Recording Life Inside a Biopunk Movie

Those who escape hell however never talk about it and nothing much bothers them after that.
― Charles Bukowski

This is my first global pandemic. Whether this is acerbated by overpopulation, pollution, climate change, I don’t know… but I hope it’s the last one I’ll have to go through in my lifetime. What I do know, is we should all take some time to write down our thoughts, hopes, and observations in these extraordinary and, hopefully, rare times. 

I remember feeling this way during 9/11 while living in Lower Manhattan and during the Great Recession of 2008. I regret not writing more about those events while they were unfolding. During 9/11, the whole city completely shut down for a few weeks and I had a lot of time to reflect. Same during 2008, I was not only trying to sell a property but was eventually laid off. The fear and uncertainty I felt then are the same am feeling now. 

I am one of those foreigners living the dream, living in Barcelona… well, up until now. Today, during this pandemic, things have taken a surreal turn (a description I’ve heard many others use). Just contemplating whether or not to go to the store and balancing the risk of getting infected versus running out of food. Inside the stores, we instinctively keep a safe buffer zone and those encroaching get the evil eye. All of it until we reach the cashier and we’re suddenly flushed with awe and empathy for someone risking their health 8 hours a day to provide basic necessities and make a living. This is the type of emotional whirlwind that needs to be recorded.

We only talk to outsiders if they wear masks. We don’t let anybody touch us. We had a few deliveries at the house, things that cannot be left on the stoop; we fearfully invited them in and quickly disinfect wherever they stepped — crazy times indeed. 

We are now deep inside a biopunk movie. There are many movies I love watching but wouldn’t want to live through, like Harry Potter, Star Wars, Lost, etc. Most of us would rather be in a light-hearted comedy about planning a wedding or a road trip… Nope, instead, we’re deep in the middle of “Contagion” starring Jude Law. With the bizarre difference that it is happening in slow motion. We saw it progress from China, then Italy, Iran, Spain, and the rest of the world. 

So far, it isn’t abating, there is no cure, few ventilators, lots of speculation, varying agendas and plenty of misinformation. Whether it has reached you already or not, take some notes. You’ll be surprised at how your understanding and feelings change as it slowly creeps towards you. Remember the sadness we feel for all the at-risk people being put in danger by various factors such as an unprepared social system, overburdened health system, or that gnawing thought “am I the unknowing carrier that pushed that elevator button that eventually infected someone?” On and on. 

When the dust falls and the virus is under control, we’ll truly understand the economic impact, all those living paycheck to paycheck, the homeless, those in the travel or leisure industry, all of us really. Writing about all of this will help us remember and better protect ourselves and the critical systems around us.

On the bright side, this has brought my family closer. If you have teenagers, you’ll know what I mean. They are so busy defining themselves, hanging out with friends and staying as far away from parents as possible —but this has changed things, they’re finally home again with us. We get to talk, hangout… though they may not like it, I do!

So look around you, start writing something down every day — keep it secret in a diary or post it on Twitter —but remember these times.

Thanks for reading, take care of yourself and those around you.